How to connect the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2

How to connect the devices using a cable and playing music using bluetooth.

iPhone 6

These instructions assume that you are running Apple iOS 7 or greater on the iPhone 6. The following list of instructions show you how to connect to Beats Pill 2.0 speakers to the iPhone 6. Please note that these instructions refer to the Beats Pill 2.0 and not the original Beats Pill first generation, please visit the Beats page on for the full range of Beats bluetooth speakers. Before connecting Beats Pill 2.0 speakers to any device we recommend downloading the latest Beats Pill 2.0 firmware update from the official Beats Pill support site [2] using the Beats update tool.

Pairing the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2 using Bluetooth

A guide on how to pair the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2 wirelessly.

  1. The following instructions describe how to pair a Beats Pill 2 with the iPhone 6. First you will need to turn on the Beats Pill 2.0 by holding the power button, hold the 'b' for 3 seconds until the button blinks. This indicates that the Beats Pill speaker is in pairing mode.
  2. From the home screen on the phone select the Settings control panel, then go to the Bluetooth menu and make sure the Bluetooth option is turned on.
  3. Underneath select Beats Pill 2 from the list of nearby devices to connect to the iPhone, it will then say "Paired" next to the name of the device.
  4. The Beats Pill 2 and the iPhone 6 are now ready to be used to play music. Tapping on the AirPlay icon in any iOS application that can play audio will bring up a list of devices where you’ll be able to toggle between headphones, the loudspeaker and a Beats Pill 2. When the Beats Pill has been paired the round 'b' logo will glow. In the future you can turn on the speaker and it will automatically connect to the iPhone 6 without needing to pair again, just turn both devices on and wait for the round 'b' logo to glow. The Beats Pill speaker can pair with up to 8 devices, each time it is turned on it will attempt to connect with the most recent Bluetooth device. Holding the 'b' button again for three seconds will forget the current active Bluetooth session. For more details go to the official Beats Pill support site [2] to download the Beats Pill 2 instruction manual [3].
Pairing the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2 using Bluetooth

Playing audio on a Beats Pill 2 from the iPhone 6 using a stereo phone cable

Which cable to use to connect the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2 which cable to use to connect the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2.

  1. These instructions show you how to hook up the iPhone 6 to a Beats Pill 2 using a cable to play audio. First locate the headphone socket on the base of the phone.
  2. Ensure the device is turned off then locate the IN port located at the back of the speaker to the left of the power button.
  3. Connect the headphone socket on the iPhone 6 to the IN on the Beats Pill 2 port using a 3.5mm stereo male to 3.5mm stereo male cable [4].
  4. Any sounds from the iPhone 6 will stop playing on the phone speaker and play on a Beats Pill 2 instead.
  5. Turn on the speaker and you should hear music playing from the iPhone 6 to the Beats Pill 2. The Beats Pill 2 and the iPhone 6 are now connected and can to be used to play audio. [AD]
Playing audio on a Beats Pill 2 from the iPhone 6 using a stereo phone cable

See also

  1. Apple - official iPhone user guide
  2. Beatsbydre - official Beats Pill support site
  3. Beatsbydre - Beats Pill 2 instruction manual
  4. 3.5mm stereo male to 3.5mm stereo male cable - The mini stereo 3.5mm (1/8") stereo audio cable is a common cable used to connect audio devices together.